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How folders and files work in Skyfish

Folders are the primary way to organize files in Skyfish.

When you upload a file to a folder in Skyfish, the following is what actually happens. The file is first uploaded and saved to Skyfish’s cloud storage. Information about the file is then saved in the Skyfish database, and indexed by Skyfish’s search engine. Lastly, a ‘pointer’ to the uploaded file is added to the chosen folder. This pointer represents the file as being ‘stored in’ the folder.

When you ‘copy a file’ from one folder to another, Skyfish simply creates a new pointer to the file in the latter folder. Similarly, when you ‘move a file’ between folders, Skyfish simply moves the pointer from the old folder to the new one.

When you ‘remove a file’ from a folder, Skyfish deletes the pointer in the folder. When all pointers to a file are deleted from the folder structure, Skyfish automatically deletes the file.

Folders can easily be handled and modified using the Skyfish API.

How to fetch folders via the API

To list all the Skyfish folders that exist in your company, execute:


The output will resemble something like the following:

    "id": 1891723,
    "name": "Picture of cats",
    "parent": null,
    "cover_photo_id": null,
    "company_id": 445605,
    "created": "2021-03-09 13:37:42",
    "permissions": {
      "groups": [
    "id": 2020441,
    "name": "More pictures of cats",
    "parent": null,
    "cover_photo_id": null,
    "company_id": 445605,
    "created": "2022-01-25 08:34:57",
    "permissions": {
      "groups": [

The permissions key specifies the access rights that your users have:

Name Description
READ User can see the folder.
ADMIN User can change the folder.
WRITE User can upload to the folder.
PERMANENT The folder is permanent (it cannot be altered or deleted).
TRASH The folder is the user’s trashcan (implies it is PERMANENT).
PUBLIC The folder is a Public Media Gallery folder (implies it is PERMANENT).

This endpoint supports the following filtering options (all optional):

Parameter Description
q Query string matching the folder name.
id Limit the returned list to the folder that has the specified ID. Multiple IDs can be specified, seperated by “+”.
parent Limit the list to folders with the parent folder ID specified.
sort_by Specifies which field you would like to sort by. Currently, name and created are supported.
sort_order Can be either asc or desc. Default is asc.

Creating a folder

To create a folder, make a POST request to

In the request’s body, you must specify the following:

Parameter Description
name The name of the folder.
parent The id of the parent folder. To make your created folder a root folder, use null .

Similar, to update a folder, make a POST request to The structure of the request’s body is the same as when creating a folder.

Some examples follow. Assume for all of them that the folder ID is 110917 and the parent folder ID is 110220.

To rename the folder to Testing, execute:

{"name": "Testing", "parent": 110220}

To move the folder, so that it becomes a root folder:

{"name": "Testing", "parent": null}

Deleting a folder

To delete a folder, execute the following:


To empty a folder, i.e. to delete all contained files and subfolders but keep the folder itself:


When users delete a folder via the Skyfish web UI, the folder is not deleted permanently. It is instead moved to the trashcan. If the folder is then left in the trashcan for more than 30 days, it is permanently deleted.

To move a folder to the trashcan via the API:


Adding tags to folders

Folders may have multiple tags added to them. When a tag is added to a folder, the tag is automatically inherited by all the files that are located in the folder, and in any subfolder therein. When a file is moved into a folder that already has a tag added to it, that file automatically inherits the tag, too. Similarly, if the file is moved out of the folder, the inherited tag will be removed from the file.

Modify these ‘Folder Tags’ in the following way:

List all Folder Tags:


Add tags tag1 and tag2 to a folder:

["tag1", "tag2"]

Delete the Folder Tags tag1 and tag2:

["tag1", "tag2"]

Delete all Folder Tags:


Downloading an entire folder as a .zip file

You can download a folder via the API. First, make a request to queue the folder for zipping. The API will return a job ID that can be queried for a job status report. Once the folder is zipped, you will receive a signed URL to download the .zip from. The user requesting the download will also get an email that contains the download URL.

To queue a folder for zipping:


You will receive something resembling the following:

Key Description
job_id The ID of the zipping job. Use this to query the job status.
state The current status of the zipping job.
url The signed URL to download the .zip from. Until the zip job is done, this field will be null.
valid_until A unix timestamp dictating when the above URL expires. Until the zip job is done, this field will be null.

To query the status of the zip job:


The output is the same format as:

When the job is done, you will receive output that resembles:


Please note: We cache zip creation. Therefore, if you request a .zip file for a folder, but there already exists a non-expired/non-invalidated .zip file, we will return the existing .zip file. This means that your call to may return a download URL immediately.