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Media files

Media metadata in Skyfish

A media file in Skyfish contains 6 pieces of metadata. They are, by metadata field:

  1. title
  2. byline
  3. copyright
  4. description
  5. expiration_date
  6. keywords

The ‘byline’ describes who the media’s creator is, i.e. the photographer, videographer, or artist.

To update media file metadata, the user must have WRITE access to the file being updated, and the update requests must be authenticated.

Getting a media file’s information

Here is an example request for information, and what it could return:

GET /media/:id/
  "id": 42,
  "created": "2022-09-20 13:37:42",
  "type": "stock",
  "filename": "filename.jpg",
  "file_md5": "71c9ed575adf2e658f945c655b27e643",
  "uploaded_by": 623746,
  "metadata": {
    "editorial": false,
    "adult_content": false,
    "keywords": {
      "en": [
    "title": {
      "en": "Sample title",
      "da": "Sample title",
      "de": "Sample title"
    "description": {
      "en": "Sample description"
    "iptc": {
      "ApplicationRecordVersion": 0,
      "By-line": "Bruce Wayne",
      "CopyrightNotice": "1989"
    "geolocation": null,
    "camera_created": 1650385577

Note that keywords, title and description are divided into languages. This is deliberate, to future-proof our API. For now, only English, with the language code en, should be used. This is the field that that Skyfish looks and searches for, currently.

Updating the media’s title

POST /media/:id/metadata/title
{"en":"The title of the image"}

The “en” key in the map is the language the title is posted in. Currently the language used should always be en.

Updating the media’s byline

POST /media/:id/metadata/byline
"The name of the e.g. photographer"

Where the body is a json encoded string.

POST /media/:id/metadata/copyright
"All rights reserved, etc."

Here, the body is a json encoded string.

Updating the media’s description

POST /media/:id/metadata/description
{"en":"A picture of a cat"}

Updating the media’s expiration date for use

To see the current expiration date:

GET /media/:id/metadata/expiration_date
{ "expiration_date": "2024-06-15" }

To update the current expiration date:

POST /media/:id/metadata/expiration_date
{"expiration_year": "2024", "expiration_month": "4"}

To remove the expiration date, including to ‘un-expire’ files that are already expired:

DELETE /media/:id/metadata/expiration_date

Updating keywords

Using delta updates is usually the easiest option.

You can add keywords with the following:

PUT /media/:id/metadata/keyword
{"en": ["horse"]}

To delete keywords:

DELETE /media/:id/metadata/keyword
{"en": ["horse"]}

To add or remove keywords from multiple media files, you can specify multiple files with:

PUT|DELETE /media/1,2,3/metadata/keyword
{"en": ["horse"]}

To reset a file’s keywords and replace them with a specified set:

POST /media/:id/metadata/keywords
{"en": ["only","these","keywords"]}

To remove all keywords:

DELETE /media/:id/metadata/keywords

Media operations

Files can be moved or copied between different folders in Skyfish. Please note: when users ‘copy’ a file to a different folder, a new copy of the file is NOT created. Instead, Skyfish creates a new pointer to the file in the folder that the file is ‘copied’ into. Therefore, the same file may be in mulitple folders.

Move and copy

To copy a media file into a folder:

POST /media/:media_id/folder/:folder_id

To move a media file into a folder:

POST /media/:media_id/move
{"from": 1337, "to": 1338}

The above file-moving operation would move the media file from folder 1337 to 1338

Deleting a file

To delete a file from a folder:

DELETE /media/:id/folder/:folderId

This will immediately delete the file, permanently. You can also instead move the file to the trash can, which is what our web interface does when users delete files:

POST /media/:id/folder/:folderId/move_to_trash

Downloading a file

To download a file from Skyfish:

GET /media/:id/download_location

The output will look like this:

  "url": "....",
  "internal_elb_url": "....",
  "method": "GET"

internal_elb_url is used internally by Skyfish and should therefore be ignored. url is a signed URL from where the file can be downloaded. Please note that the link will expire after a set time, so the file should be downloaded immediately.